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What We Do

The Hospital serves patients in various disciplines of General Medicine, Paediatrics, Gynaecology, Ophthalmology, Dentistry, ENT and Physiotherapy. Many volunteer caregivers extend their love and compassion by visiting the hospital regularly to provide specialty services such as Orthopaedics, Podiatrics, Cardiology, Neurology Dermatology, Plastic Surgery, Endocrinology and Radiology.


Increasing women’s access to basic services is the key to a better tomorrow. In the future, the Hospital will seek to alleviate maternal health issues like low institutional deliveries, inadequate ante-natal and post-natal care, irregular immunisations and medications, malnutrition, proper awareness etc. It will also focus on infant mortality issues like congenital anomalies, prematurity and low birthweight, neo-natal infections, birth asphyxia and birth trauma, diarrhoeal diseases and non-communicable diseases.


About 7,000 patients with chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension have been diagnosed, given medicines, treated for diabetic retinopathy, and most importantly they are also being counselled regularly with love to make necessary changes in their lifestyle, be it eating the right kind of diet, exercising and so on.


In addition to this, a special camp to control and treat diabetes and hypertension is also conducted every morning that caters to hundreds of patients who come from nearby and far off villages too. On an average the Hospital offers consultations to about 4,000 out-patients every month. And all services are provided completely free of any charges as always!


The Divine Mother and Child Health Program (DMCHP) - To further the nation’s commitment towards a healthy life for its children and create a holistic and sustainable impact on society, it was imperative to focus on the preventive and educative healthcare spectrum of both children and theirs mothers. It is in this context that the Divine Mother and Child Health Program – a comprehensive early detection and systemic health screening programme for rural school-going children, and pregnant and lactating mothers was launched. The Child Health Screening is based on Government of India’s Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK) and focusses on detection of 4Ds i.e, Defects at birth, Deficiencies, Disease, and Developmental delays and disabilities. The team of Doctors from the Hospital along with the team from the Divine Mother and Child Health Program have screened over 85,000 children from 2,200 Govt schools. The lives of about 16,000 expecting mothers have been touched and enhanced by improving vital parameters such as haemoglobin and calcium levels, controlling gestational diabetes and blood pressure, etc.

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