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HDU and ICU Oxygenated Beds

Intensive Care Units 
Preparing ICUs is an integral part of any pandemic response. The ICUs are equipped with Ventilator, Defibrillator, Syringe Pumps, Patient  Monitors, ECG Machine, Bed Head Panels,  Suction Unit, Laryngoscopes, Ambubags and Patient Warmer.


Oxygenated Beds 
A massive demand has arisen for bed equipped with piped oxygen to give patients quick support and avoid a situation where they might need ventilators. Oxygenation is a non-invasive measure to aid breathing. There are no tubes that are introduced into the body, as oxygen is given via a face mask or nasal cannula.


The hospital offers 125 HDU and oxygenated beds, and 25 ICU beds free-of-cost.

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